World Bicycle Day 2020 | background | importance | interesting fact

World Bicycle Day is observed every year on 3 June, the first official World Bicycle Day was observed by the United Nations on 3 June 2018 to encourage one of the simplest, cheapest, reliable, clean and environmentally fit houses of transportation. It aims to popularize the use of Bicycle in daily life.

The background

In 2018, the United Nations General Assembly announced June 3 as World Bicycle Day. professor Leszek Sibilski and his class of sociology were petitioned by Montgomery College in the US to celebrate World Bicycle Day. Later, Professor Sibilski and his class publicized it a through social media and decided to celebrate June 3 as world Bicycle Day. The expedition received the support of 56 countries including Turkmenistan.


Bicycle is a clean and inexpensive mode of transport, it will not pollute the environment of any kind and it is also useful in terms of fitness. This will help countries reduce carbon footprint.

Interesting fact

40% of people in Amsterdam (the capital of the Netherlands) use Bicycle to go to work, the highest in the world.

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